Monday, 27 December 2010

WIP Galore

Just a few more WIPs of models built for the animation.

Tuesday, 21 December 2010


Painted the character and clothes after completing the UVs.
He's still fairly symmetrical, which is the last thing i should do.
Break symmetry. Though it might not be apparent, as he's seen from the side 80% of the time.

WIP time!

Some Work In Progress shots.

Using only Zbrush to start (from scratch/ZSpheres) for the body and clothes. Some of the harder objects made in Maya. UVLayout used for all the UVs.

Did a manual retopology for the maya-safe character of about 3,000 polys. Knackered!
Also mocked up some binoculars in Maya. ready for some UV and texture play.

Safari Hunter Dream

Had a dream about a safari hunter shooting a bird.
Was while waking, so i was concious enough to build on it.
Was thinking of really building up this slow, hot sweaty atmosphere of a safari hunter glued to some binoculars. Watching and waiting for the prey. He takes a slow drink from a can, after fumbling a little for it, not breaking his eyes from the binoculars.
A bird lands on the tree. The hunter carefully puts the bin's down and picks up a rifle (drops bins in shock?).
He shoots the shot..lots of smoke from the ageing barrel.
The bird lies dead on the floor (with a pile of others?).
The hunter picks up his binoculars again, and continues to watch the tree/horizon.
VERY QUICKLY - a huge bird (3x the hunter's size) swoops down and picks him up - mid flight. We stay with the floor, and his belongings. END.