Monday 27 December 2010

Tuesday 21 December 2010


Painted the character and clothes after completing the UVs.
He's still fairly symmetrical, which is the last thing i should do.
Break symmetry. Though it might not be apparent, as he's seen from the side 80% of the time.

WIP time!

Some Work In Progress shots.

Using only Zbrush to start (from scratch/ZSpheres) for the body and clothes. Some of the harder objects made in Maya. UVLayout used for all the UVs.

Did a manual retopology for the maya-safe character of about 3,000 polys. Knackered!
Also mocked up some binoculars in Maya. ready for some UV and texture play.

Safari Hunter Dream

Had a dream about a safari hunter shooting a bird.
Was while waking, so i was concious enough to build on it.
Was thinking of really building up this slow, hot sweaty atmosphere of a safari hunter glued to some binoculars. Watching and waiting for the prey. He takes a slow drink from a can, after fumbling a little for it, not breaking his eyes from the binoculars.
A bird lands on the tree. The hunter carefully puts the bin's down and picks up a rifle (drops bins in shock?).
He shoots the shot..lots of smoke from the ageing barrel.
The bird lies dead on the floor (with a pile of others?).
The hunter picks up his binoculars again, and continues to watch the tree/horizon.
VERY QUICKLY - a huge bird (3x the hunter's size) swoops down and picks him up - mid flight. We stay with the floor, and his belongings. END.